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Environmental & Sustainability Policy


About this policy

Owner: Group Sustainability Officer
Policy status: Approved
Approved by: Board of Directors
This document available at: Company's website
Review cycle: 12 months
This version adopted: 1st April, 2024
Review date: 1st April, 2025


Environmental & Sustainability Policy

Purpose and scope

This policy applies to Intralink Group Limited and its subsidiary companies. It sets out the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability. This policy applies to all our activities, employees, contractors and relevant external stakeholders.

In this policy “sustainability” means meeting the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, particularly with regard to the use and waste of natural resources.

We recognise that our activities can have a significant impact on the local and global environments. We aim to minimise the negative environmental impacts arising from our activities while maximising the positive impact of the services we provide.


  1. Commitment: the company is committed to: 
    • Protecting and enhancing the environment to prevent habitat and biodiversity loss, combat climate change and prevent the pollution of land, water and air or reduce the impact on habitat and biodiversity.
    • Complying with and, where possible, exceeding relevant environmental legislation, regulatory requirements and other standards.
    • Considering the environmental and sustainability impact of any new company initiative.
    • Identifying and addressing areas or actions of significant environmental impact and carrying out regular audits.
    • Allocating responsibilities and adequate resources for the implementation of this policy.
    • Ensuring that this policy is available to all employees and interested parties by publishing it on the company website.
    • Considering relevant sustainability criteria when appointing new suppliers and ensuring that they meet the company’s environmental and sustainability objectives when delivering goods and services.
    • Providing opportunities for employees to engage with the company’s work on environmental sustainability.
    • Involving employees in the generation of ideas for sustainability through the Company’s Sustainability Committee, publishing the minutes of those meetings for the information of employees and to maintain awareness.
    • Setting environmental sustainability targets against the following objectives, which will be reviewed and reported on annually:
      • Carbon, energy and water: improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce our water consumption.
      • Waste and resource use: promote responsible consumption, reduce the amount of waste produced and increase reuse and recycling where generation of waste cannot be prevented.
      • Fit-out and refurbishment: manage the fit-out and refurbishment of our offices to reduce environmental impact and enhance the wellbeing of building users.
      • Travel and transport: raise awareness and encourage the use of environmentally friendly methods of transport including considering the environmental impact of business trips at the planning stage.
      • Training and awareness: raise awareness of sustainability issues and provide opportunities to develop knowledge among employees of environmental matters and actions which can improve sustainability.
  2. Roles and responsibilities: the implementation of this policy is overseen by the Group Sustainability Committee and Group Sustainability Officer. The committee reports to the Company’s Board of Directors.
  3. Annual reporting: progress against the policy and sustainability targets are reported by the CEO to the Board of Directors.
  4. Review: the policy is updated annually.

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